We maintain, survey, install, commission and attend call outs for any residential building with any smoke vent/AOV, dampers or mechanical extract system in. Our customers include FM companies, fire alarm firms, other Smoke ventilation firms, electrical companies, builders, housing associations & private individuals, indeed anyone that is responsible for a smoke ventilation or mechanical extract system. Our installations are backed up with our own commissioning certificates and with the additional IFC certification ensuring that a third party assesses our workmanship annually to guarantee that we are working to the latest legislation and industry best practice. As the person responsible for a building let us bring you that peace of mind.

Offices and Industrial Spaces
We understand that as the responsible person for your building you need all the boxes ticked when completing your due diligence and deciding who to use for your AOV/mechanical extract systems. Please go to our page on the Smoke Control Association website we tick all their boxes which we hope reassures you when choosing us. We also have significant insurance cover to further demonstrate our commitment to our team and our customers.
FIND OUT MOREHospitals & Health
Working with Great Ormond Street Hospital and Cambridgeshire Health Trust we understand the unique obstacles that these spaces bring and we are always happy to meet and discuss your own very individual needs to see where we can help.

We service smoke vents in Theatres all over the country including The National Theatre and Globe Theatre in Stockton. We are also able to service smoke vents in Gyms & Leisure Centres too. We have recently completed a project at Elstree Studios with Paul resolving problems that no other firm had been able to over several years.
We currently maintain a wide range of shops and shopping centres throughout the UK and Ireland. Much of our work can be completed during trading hours without disrupting the shop floor. Most of the equipment we service is tucked away in basements or on the roof however we are more than happy to complete work through the night if this suits you better.

Working with UCL, Bedford Modern School, a range of Universities across the UK as well as several secondary & independent schools we know that you need reliable engineers who have been DBS checked and who understand that efficient working in the holiday period is essential so you can concentrate on what you do during term time.
Secure Buildings
Over the years we have worked at many sensitive sites including Windsor Castle. Many of our team have passed the rigorous vetting forms required of these locations. We installed the smoke ventilation system at Portcullis House for SE Controls and will be back servicing it later this year. We have also just commissioned the installation of the Smoke ventilation system at Astrazeneca.